TTK UAS participates in the student project Solaride building Estonia’s first solar-powered car - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


TTK UAS participates in the student project Solaride building Estonia’s first solar-powered car

28. oktoober 2020

TTK UAS participates in the student project Solaride building Estonia’s first solar-powered car

TTK University of Applied Sciences started this month cooperation with the student project Solaride helping young engineers to build Estonia’s first solar-powered car to race against top universities at the World Solar Challenge in Australia in 2021.

According to TTK UAS’ student Karl August Tatuns the Solaride project gives the students a chance to employ their knowledge and gain new experiences in the field of developing green technologies.

“Electric cars are the future of automobile industry, but there are still a lot of problems of efficiency and energy in the field. The question is how to employ green technologies in electric cars. There are a lot of opportunities and solutions,” said Tatuns. Eglis Rohtla, responsible for the marketing of the project, added that the Solaride project tries to find answers to today’s questions that help the creation of future technologies.

TTK UAS will contribute to the Solaride project with the help from students and curriculum coordinators for mechanical and electrical engineering. The project will also be tested for marketing cooperation with the aim of popularizing the study fields of engineering.

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