TTK UAS Basketball Team Winners of the Spring Tournament 2018 - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
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TTK UAS Basketball Team Winners of the Spring Tournament 2018

TTK UAS Basketball Team Winners of the Spring Tournament 2018

Congratulations to TTK UAS Basketbell Team: Menhart Mardo, Aron Kuusik, Rauno Nurklik, Aleksis Anijärv, Pärtel Julius Pluss, Mihkel Klementsov, Erik Raud, Mirko Oja and Kevin Täpp for winning the 58. Traditional Baltic Basketball Spring Tournament! TTK UAS team beat the Riga Bulding College with the score 110:51 and the Vilnius College of Technologies and Design with the score 73:67. 
The best player of the tournament award went to TTK UAS student Menhart Mardo. The team coach of TTK UAS was Enn Läänmäe.





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