3564 applications presented for studies at TTK UAS - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool


3564 applications presented for studies at TTK UAS

1. jaanuar 1970

3564 applications presented for studies at TTK UAS

The admission period for starting studies at TTK UAS next academic year closed this Friday with 3564 applications, which is on average 4.45 applications per student place.

The competition was greatest for the curriculum of transport and logistics with 7,5 applications per student place. Popular choices were also building construction and purchasing and procurement management with 6 applications per place, also applied architecture with five candidates per place. “The number was a bit more modest than the record of last year of 3800 candidates, but is still above the usual average,” said the admissions specialist Tiiu Rivis.

The most popular curricula of the Institute of Service Economy located at Mõdriku were business administration, social work and accounting with eight and seven applicants per place respectively.


According to Enno Lend, the Rector of TTK UAS, the interest was also high in robotics engineering, automotive engineering and fashion engineering. “The employment rate of graduates from curricula in the fields of technology, production and construction is prominently high,” noted rector Lend. “Hopefully this is something the candidates bear this in mind,” he added.


The initial list of admitted students will be made public on July 13. The rankings may change until there are free student places.


TTK UAS is the fourth biggest higher education institution in Estonia with approximately 3200 students. The university offers 19 different curricula in the fields of technology, production, civil engineering, transportation, business and administration and welfare. In fall 2109, TTK UAS merged with Lääne-Viru College in Mõdriku, in Lääne-Viru County.

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