Electrical Engineering Laboratory - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

Electrical Engineering Laboratory

Electrical Engineering Laboratory

The laboratory of Electrical Engineering carries out research on the basics of electrical engineering by creating, studying, configuring and tuning electrical components, devices and systems. Various electrical measurements are carried out in the lab; also modelling, assembly, and research of electrical systems and devices. Testing and quality assessment of low-powered electrical machines and transformers is performed. Compilation, tuning, programming, setting up and testing of electrical drives with VFDs, soft starters, stepper motors, servomotors, etc. Assembly, setting up and testing of automation relays and control circuits. Practical studies of control circuits and supply circuits, assembly and installation of electrical switchboards. Various research can be carried out to create and test new devices. The lab has the capacity for design and test of low-powered electrical machines, assembly of low-power switchboards and control boards; inspection, maintenance, repairs and testing of different electrical equipment and devices.


Andres Mandre
666 4557