Logistics Lab - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool

Logistics Lab

Unique in the Nordic countries, the fully digital interactive simulation lab of logistics and supply chain management makes it possible to act out the processes of the modern supply chain and carry out research activities using world-renowned simulation software and smart apps.

The lab is used in the teaching process to develop and popularize the curricula in the fields of logistics and production, and for cooperation with enterprises. The lab also functions as a showroom of the newest solutions of the field and as a meeting point for supply chain companies and aficionados.

The lab permits carrying our experiments and testing of logistics, transport, and dispatching systems. The simulation software makes it possible to carry out research and cos-benefit analysis to plan the acquisition, trade, and production flows. The environment is also suitable for process development of start-ups and launch of new ideas.

The Logistics Lab is located in TTK UAS’ main building (Pärnu mnt 62, Tallinn) and can be visited with previous registration to loglab@tktk.ee.

Heiti Mering
Visiting Teacher

Logistics lab is:

  • An innovative learning environment
  • A place to test solutions
  • A process and product development incubator
  • A showroom for the new solutions in the field
  • A simulator of digital cooperation of the links of the supply chain
  • A place for meetings, seminars, workshops


  • To present the curricula of the fields of logistics and production
  • To encourage cooperation projects between organizations and the university
  • To encourage innovation, product development and prototyping
  • To motivate cooperation between students


  • Testing and benchmarking of systems and tools
  • Solving real and imaginary cases
  • Trying out and practice modern tools
  • Carrying out group works and brainstorming
  • Carrying out research and investigation activities, final thesis, research projects

Simulation software:

Software enables to design a warehouse on blank paper, or a lot drawn on a map. Also simulate the functionalities, resource needs and everyday processes of an existing warehouse.
Provider: Cirrus Logistics, UK

Software enables to plan transportation routes independently from the type of vehicle profiles or the freight volumes. The analysis and reporting of results help to determine the cost types and make the decisions to find optimal solutions.
Provider: PTV Group, Germany

PTV Vissim
Simulation software to analyse and optimize the traffic flow. The software enables to visualize and calculate the capacity of road infrastructure, signal control, unexpected traffic jams, etc.
Provider: PTV Group, Germany

LiveSoft TMS
Software for central goods’ management information in real time. Software enable to visualize and manage all the company’s supply information in one place (ie. Reservations, orders, customs, transportation documents).
Provider: LiveSoft, Estonia

LiveSoft WMS
Online software for the central management of orders, deliveries, inventory and documents.
Provider: LiveSoft, Estonia

Modelling, simulation and optimizing of business processes wit a focus on productions and logistics.
Provider: By Software AG, Germany

FleetComplete (Ecofleet)
GPS tracking solutions & asset management software for connected commercial vehicle space and mobile workforce management.
Provider: FleetComplete, Estonia

Cloud-based procurement management, collaboration and automation platform. The central element is the KANBAN board to manage procurement through visual cards. Evry card contains information of the responsible person and communication with internal and external stakeholders.
Provider: ProcurementFlow, Estonia.

One 86” interactive tablet screen with built in computer
Four 55” tablet screens with built in computer
One horizontal 55” touch screen smart table with potent computer
Eleven 27” touch screen desktop computers
Ten 10” tablets