Rector of TTK University of Applied Sciences Enno Lend took the oath of office - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
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Rector of TTK University of Applied Sciences Enno Lend took the oath of office

Rector of TTK University of Applied Sciences Enno Lend took the oath of office

On September 22, Professor Enno Lend, re-elected this spring for the third term, took the oath of office the as the Rector of TTK University of Applied Sciences. The inauguration ceremony was followed by the official opening of the renovated laboratory building.

“Rector Enno Lend is beginning his third term. This is a testament that his work so far on the development of the institution is appreciated by the institution itself and the employers,” said Mailis Reps, the Minister of Education and Research, when investing Lend with the collar of office.

Minister Reps pointed out TTK UAS’ high level of technological equipment, implementation of digital technologies and good collaboration with the employers.

In his inauguration speech, Rector Enno Lend talked about the new challenges presented by the diversity of today’s student body and the new learning pathways they take. This is why the HEI’s need to synchronize their activities first and foremost from the student’s point of view.

Lend continued by saying that the best economic policy during hard times is an intensive and future-orientated focus on the educational policy. “The economic cycles do not coincide with the rhythms of the learning processes and a certain overproduction of specialists during recession is reasonable as countercyclical instruction is one measure of exiting the crisis,” said Lend.

Lend added that studies are no longer carried out just on physical premises. “We are opening our new lab building today where we have created the best possibilities for hybrid studies. The corona-times have shown us that premises of only 7 square metres per student are enough for contact and hybrid studies, even if the number of students should increase,” Lend said.

The inauguration ceremony was followed by the official opening of TTK UAS’ renewed lab building by Minister Reps, rectors of other Estonian HEI’s, vice-rectors and guests.

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