Interactive learning materials for construction students created as a result of the Erasmus+ project - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
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Interactive learning materials for construction students created as a result of the Erasmus+ project

Interactive learning materials for construction students created as a result of the Erasmus+ project

As a result of the joint work in the Erasmus-funded project “Development of a Virtual Learning Environment in Technical Higher Education” (VirTec, 2018-2021) a set of interactive study materials for first-year students in construction was created. The materials meet modern requirements and include interactive elements.

The aim of this training material is to develop spatial visualization skills and give the students an opportunity to acquire knowledge independently via the Internet without special equipment and specialty-specific software.

“In modern teaching, there is a need to employ modern technological advances to engage students in the learning process by creating and continuously developing interesting and relevant teaching materials,” commented Olga Ovtšarenko, leading lecturer at TTK UAS’ Centre for Real Sciences and the leader of the project.

She explained that the possibility of receiving and using feedback is not only an indicator of a successful educational process, but also an effective guide for the student to move through the learning process step-by-step. “Simulators of various objects are efficient learning materials that contain necessary information and features that are easy and intuitive to use.”

In November 2020, the new Erasmus + project “VirSTEM – Use of Virtual Technology in STEM” was launched, which aims to create an open online course “Fundamentals of Engineering Graphics” with 3 ECTS integrated BIM (Building Information Modeling). The e-course is designed for both, the undergraduate students of civil engineering as well as for in-service training of specialists.

Egert-Ronald Parts, a lecturer in the Institute of Civil Engineering, said that the efficiency of the construction industry can be increased by using BIM solutions more widely. “The volume of BIM subjects should be increased, and the study materials upgraded in the training of current and future engineers. Interactive 3D building models and BIM-based solutions make the acquisition of new learning materials more inclusive and easier,” he added.

Given the current inevitability of distance learning, there is a need to find a new approach to specialists’ education, in which distance learning and individual learning are given a leading role, using high-quality interactive learning materials.

According to the lecturers of the Institute of Civil Engineering, the  interactive solutions of the project help to facilitate the acquisition of the subject and create more connections with the content learned in relation with the subsequent subjects and help to prepare the future engineers better for needs of the labour market.

“The VirSTEM project uses the most up-to-date information and communication technology methodologies. The project focuses on creating and promoting combined and flexible learning methods, using group and mobile learning, and supporting the learner’s choices and creativity,” explained Egert-Ronald Parts.

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