Erasmus BIP Project at TTK UAS Offers Students Insights on Renovation Solution - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
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Erasmus BIP Project at TTK UAS Offers Students Insights on Renovation Solution

Erasmus BIP Project at TTK UAS Offers Students Insights on Renovation Solution

TTK Institute of Civil Engineering recently hosted the Erasmus BIP titled “Short Renovation Course”. This unique learning experience featured virtual sessions at the end of September and a physical study week from October 2 to 6.

The primary objective of this course was to analyse the situation of envelopes and technical systems of an existing building and propose renovation solutions. During the project, students had the opportunity to explore the historical office building located in Tallinn, originally built in 1958.

The project brought together 24 foreign students alongside five local students from the TTK. The project partners were Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland), UPC Escola Politècnica Superior d’Edificació de Barcelona (Spain), and Riga Technical University (Latvia).

The feedback from participating students was very positive, praising the contents, organisation, and the possibility of working in international teams. Here’s what the student said in their feedback:

·        It was very fun, and I learned a lot. I loved the practical part and visiting the old building with my companions. I got to practice my English and be with people from other cultures.

·        I appreciated meeting new people and working in international groups.

·        It was good meeting people from different cultures.

·        My favourite part was visiting the site of a building that was being surveyed.

In conclusion, the Erasmus BIP course showcased the power of international cooperation and practical learning experiences. The positive feedback from participating students underlines the importance of such initiatives. We are committed to providing more enriching opportunities that promote cultural exchange, practical skills, and memorable encounters for the students in the future. Stay tuned for even more exciting programs and collaborations ahead.

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