International Projects - Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
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International Projects

International Projects

Deep INVENTHEI INnoVation and ENTrepreneurship in HEIs (2023-2024)

The project funded by European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)aims to set up an international network of regional innovation valleys which contribute to attracting and retaining talent in Europe, by training deep tech talents and supporting deep tech academic spin-offs and start-ups. DEEPINVENTHEI builds on the results of Project INVENTHEI, and the Business and Innovation Network (BIN@). DEEPINVENTHEI consortium consists of 18 participants: 11 partners, and 7 associated partners.

INVENTHEI – INnoVation and ENTrepreneurship in HEIs (2021-2022)
The project funded by European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) aims to develop innovation and entrepreneurship in HE institutions, including hackathons, conferences, start-ups, etc. The project is coordinated by the University of Porto and Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto (Portugal) and project partners are TTK UAS (Estonia), University of Pardubice (Czechia), University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), INOVA+Innovation Services (Belgium), University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania).

INTREPIDHEI International Capacity Building in InNovation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship with a focus on ShaRed Expertise in Higher Education Institutions (2022-2024)

TTK is associated partner in the European project consortium of seven full and six associated partners with the vision is to become one of the leading European initiatives in creating international digital offers for start-ups, students, and (non-)academic staff in the competence fields of innovation and entrepreneurship. Coordinated by Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg (Germany).

Erasmus+ Projects Coordinated by TTK UAS

TimberEDU – Innovative Higher Education in Sustainable Timber Construction (2023-2026)

The aim of TimberEDU is to develop the pedagogical competencies in the field of sustainable timber construction. The project involves developing teaching materials and lab work guidelines, training lecturers, and organizing workshops and a summer school course for students. The wider public can become acquainted with the project’s results through introductory and concluding conferences, e-learning materials, and academic articles.

There are a total of 8 project partners – Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Kaunas University of Applied Engineering Sciences and Study and Consulting Center from Lithuania, Laurea University of Applied Sciences from Finland, Technical University of Madrid from Spain, University of Trento from Italy, University of Galway from Ireland, with the leading partner being TTK.

Micro-degree in modern harmonized electrical engineering (2023-2026)

Under the leadership of TTK University of Applied Sciences, the goal of the project is to modernize and harmonize electrical engineering training programs at the bachelor and master curriculum levels by creating a micro degree in 2023-2026 in order to meet the actual needs of electrical companies, based on the assessment of preliminary studies of electrical companies and student feedback. The micro degree focuses on electrical design by contributing to the achievement of energy savings in partner countries with obligations based on the EU’s important goals “Fit for 55” for the next decades.

The micro-degree, together with the introduction of study materials, contributes to raising the qualifications of electricians, as well as to the assessment of students’ knowledge and skills before graduating from the electrical engineering major, and opens the opportunity for exchange of students and lecturers between the partner universities TTK University of Applied Sciences (TTK) and Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) and Brno University of Technology (BUT) and also more widely.

Based on the actual needs of electrical companies, three micro-degree modules will be created to modernize the professional knowledge and skills of electrical engineers:

– Normative documents of the electrical field and the principles of the design process, as well as the skills to use 2- and 3-dimensional software for designing smart building electrical installations – managed by TTK.

– Intelligent use of renewable energy in buildings – managed by TAMK.

– Modern economical lighting – led by BUT.

The micro-degree created in international cooperation renews and harmonizes students’ electrical engineering studies and special training courses for practicing electrical designers without the necessary qualifications. In cooperation, a micro-degree 29-32 ECTS with modern and innovative teaching materials of 1200 slides/pages and 60 videos with a length of 10 minutes in English or in the language of the partner country with English subtitles will be created in cooperation for the acquisition of modern electrical engineering education.

PRODIMOD Process-based Business Management module (2022-2024)

The goal of PRODIMOD project is to develop the module “Process Based Management in Enterprises” for higher educational institutions of applied sciences. The module corresponds to the needs of the contemporary business environment, includes digitalisation and automation of business processes, and considers the principles of experiential learning. PRODIMOD project includes joint development of a module for different curriculums in partner HEI-s, and training materials. International, regional, national and local knowledge is combined to produce high-quality output.

Gate2Math ( Open multilingual smart library for mathematical resources supporting efficient learning (2022-2025)

The aim of the project is to implement and put into service for the international educational community an efficient Gate2Math smart library for the optimal selection of open and multilingual educational resources in the field of mathematics teaching in the context of engineering. Main target groups are:
– Mathematics teachers and learners in universities, vocational and secondary schools including visually impaired and color blind
– Fellows-researchers in the field of technology-assisted learning, online learning and STEM pedagogy
Project partners are Tallinn University (Estonia), Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Portugal), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Hispaania), Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca (Rumeenia), CAMPUS 02 Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft (Austria).

DigiSmartTech – Sustainable Digital technologies toward printed sensor applications for smart-functional textiles (2022–2024)
The project develops Education Concept Model of digital technologies for smart-functional textiles with 3 modules for different levels of learning objectives: Basic Level Module, Applied Research Level Module and Masters Level Module. Project partners are Boras University from Sweden, Saxion UAS from the Netherlands, TTK University of Applied Sciences and companies Disainitekstiil OÜ from Estonia and SPGPrints B.V. from the Netherlands. The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.

DIGSCM 4.0 – Digital skills for future Supply Chain Management 4.0 (2020-2023)
The project aims to modernize the curriculum and in-service training process of Supply Chain towards digitalisation to enable graduates to work in a digitally supported operational environment for all fields of Supply Chains. The project coordinator is TTK University of Applied Sciences. The project partners are Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) and Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia). The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.

VirSTEM – Virtual Technology for use in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) (2020-2023)
VirSTEM’s goal is to create an international open educational resource – online course “Basic Engineering Graphics” 3 ECTS (80 h) which innovatively integrates with BIM (Building Information Model). The course will be designed for Bachelor level Engineering students of Construction specialities, both daily and distance learners, as well as in-service training for specialists. TTK UAS (Estonia) is the coordinator. The project partners are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania), Riga Technical University (Latvia), Metropolia UAS ning TAMK (Finland). The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.

EngiMathMathematics on-line learning model in engineering education (2018-2021)
The project aims to create and develop a shared medium for materials suitable for web-based assessment of mathematics for various types of engineering education curricula. The project coordinator is TTK University of Applied Sciences. The project partners are Letterkenny Institute of Technology (Ireland), Polytechnic University of Catalonia BarcelonaTech (Spain), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), Koszalin University of Technology (Poland) and Polytechnic Institute of Porto (Portugal). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.

VirTec – Development of Virtual Learning Environments in Technical Higher Education (2018-2021)
The project aims to develop virtual learning environment by creating a virtual house simulator for students in the field of construction. The project coordinator is TTK University of Applied Sciences. The project partners are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania), and Kocaeli Provincial Directorate of National Education (Turkey). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.

DIGILOG – Digitally supported and virtual study practices for modern logistic systems (2018-2021)
Digilog coordinator is TTK University of Applied Sciences. The project partners are HAMK – Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland), VTI-Statens Väg och Transport Forskning Insitute (Sweden) and TSI – Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia). The project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme.

Erasmus + Projects TTK UAS Participates as a Partner

SusTexEdu – Education Partnership of TCS (Textile and Clothing Sector) Materials & Sustainability (2022 – 2024) 

The SusTexEdu  project examines the needs of higher and vocational education from the aspect of sustainability of the textile and clothing sector and develops micro-degree modules based on the expectations and needs of companies. The project is coordinated by Metropolia UAS from Finland. Partners are TTK UAS, University of Borås  from Sweden, MOME University from Hungary, HoGent UAS from Belgium, TTHK Vocational School from Estonia and Omnia Vocational School from Finland. The Estonian Clothing and Textile Association (ERTL) is also involved as one of the many cooperation partners.

What about then – Preventing drop out (2022-2024) The project is addressed to create new innovative ways to use digital tools and systems to predict and prevent drop out in
vocational education and training. Coordinated by Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education.

HiHTC – Sustainable High-Performance Hybrid Timber Building Construction (2020-2023)
The project aims to develop an innovative multi-disciplinary sustainable high-performance hybrid timber buildings BSc/BA study module, based on PBL and blended learning approaches. During the project, 7 workshops and one international conference will take place. The project is carried out by five HEIs from France, Lithuania, Portugal, Estonia and Poland. The project is coordinated by Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (France) and it is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.

KAZDUAL – Implementing Dual System in Kazakhstan (2021-2024)
The project coordinator is M. Auezov South Kazakhstan State University. The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme.

UASiMAP – Mapping the regional engagement activities of European Universities of Applied Sciences (2020-2023)
UASiMAP project aims to develop a self-reflection tool which will measure UAS local engagement and development of their further strategies. The project will also promote and communicate higher education institutions’ contribution to society and regional community, based on the experience and insights of key stakeholders from across the whole European Union. The project consortium is coordinated by EURASHE.

QuaRSU – Qualifications recognition support for Ukrainian universities (2019-2023)
The Centralised Erasmus+ KA2 project is coordinated by Uniwersytet Jagiellonski. TTK and Estonian Qualifications Authority participate from Estonia.

MENTORTRAIN -Training and Equipping Mentors in SMEs to provide Quality Apprenticeships (2018-2021)
The project aims to create a platform for imparting pedagogical skills to mentors, particularly experienced workers from SMEs who may not necessarily have relevant teaching experience. 8 partners from 6 countries participate in the project. The project is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme.

INTERREG Central Baltic


UniLog – Developing Central Baltic University Level Professional Logistics Education (2018–2020)
UniLog project aims to develop the university level professional logistics education in cross-border cooperation, to better match the current and future needs of the Central Baltic businesses and labour markets as a whole. The lead partner of the project is Royal institute of Technology (Sweden). The project partners are TTK University of Applied Sciences (Estonia), Lahti University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and Riga Technical University (Latvia). The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

ActiveMoms – Social inclusion of women staying at home with their pre-school children through employment, entrepreneurship, networking and volunteering in Latvia and Estonia (2019–2021)
The project aims to create a universal model for the social inclusion of target groups (mothers of pre-school children who belong to ethnic minority groups) through employability, entrepreneurship, volunteering and networking. An interactive ICT platform will be developed to provide guidance and self-study opportunities. The Institute of Service Economy of TTK University of Applied Sciences participates in the project together with partners, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies and the association Līdere.

IntelTrans Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module (2020-2022)
Joint Intelligent Transport and Traffic Management study module (15 ECTS) will be created by 3 project partners. Project is coordinated by the TTK University of Applied Sciences. Project partners are: HAMK – Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and TTI – Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia).

Wood for Youth
Wood for Youth is aiming to enhancing the competitiveness of young individuals in the woodhouse
industry through interactive training programs and practical instruction. The choice of wood as the focal point stems from the evolving needs of the construction sector, which seeks low carbon footprint solutions. To facilitate this transformation, there is a growing demand for motivated and skilled labor capable of leading change within the industry.

The project’s primary objective is to develop training programs tailored to the target group’s
characteristics, including their motivations, aspirations, and preferred learning methods. By
incorporating this valuable insight, the project aims to create modern and engaging training program,
increasing student motivation to enroll in the training programs and pursue rewarding careers in the
woodhouse industry. The ultimate goal is to train 150 young individuals, equipping them with
competitive skills applicable not only in the woodhouse sector but also across the construction industry as a whole.

The study program utilizes a combination of e-learning and practical lessons, enabling trainees to learn at their own pace and choose their preferred study times. Each program comprises a mandatory general module, providing a foundation of knowledge, as well as specialized modules offering practical lessons.
Practical sessions take place in production facilities or on construction sites, depending on the chosen specialization. Notably, students from across the CB region will have the opportunity to participate in practical lessons abroad, broadening their exposure and experiences. Furthermore, optional modules serve as preparatory courses for those interested in pursuing further studies in the field of prefabricated timber buildings.

Duration: 36 months (01.03.2023 – 28.02.2026)
Total budget: 2 259 591€
Leadpartner: Estonian Woodhouse Association
Other partners: TTK University of Applied Sciences, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Finnish Federation of Woodworking Industry, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Project results:

  • Three training programmes
  • 150 youngsters have equipped with new competitive skills in woodhouse industry

The Wood for Youth project is co-funded by the European Union under Interreg Central Baltic
Programme objective 6. Improved employment opportunities on labour market.

EEA and Norway Grants

EEA and Norway Grants

E-CBA – electronic workbook of cross border assignments (2020-2022)
The E-CBA project aims to build up a didactically enhanced reusable teaching and learning material – joint electronic workbook of cross border assignments (CBA) and real-life case studies from Estonian and Icelandic companies for teaching economics to engineering students on bachelor level. The project is carried out by TTK UAS (coordinator) and University of Akureyri (Iceland, partner). The project is financed by the EEA/Norway cooperation program in higher education.

Estonian and Norwegian local sheep wool – research and study materials for textile students in higher education

The project aims to create a study material about the quality and properties of three local sheep wool in Estonia and in Norway and to pilot a wool study program for textile students to widen the usage of local wool as a quality textile material among crafters, artisans and consumers. The project is coordinated by University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy and project partners are TTK UAS, University of South-Eastern Norway, Selbu Spinneri AS and Muru villavabrik.

NordPlus Programme for the Nordic and Baltic Countries

VAKEN Project (2020-) aims to create tools to enable students to learn key soft skills demanded by business, practice them using toolkits in digital laboratories, use them in real-life projects with SMEs, startups and entrepreneurs from different parts of the region and create an example use case in the form of Intensive Weeks. Project partners are HE institutions from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania and Latvia.

SusTexEdu – Nordic and Baltic Educational Roadmap for sustainability in the Textile and Clothing Sector (2021-2022)
The Nordplus Horizontal project investigates the Nordic and Baltic higher education of textile materials, responsibility and circular economy and how the education answers to the requirements of sustainable development in working life and the EU’s carbon neutrality goals. Workshops will be held in each participating country, with experts, lecturers, students and working life representatives.The Coordinator: Metropolia UAS / Clean and Sustainable Solutions Innovation Hub
Partners: TTK UAS, University of Borås, Estonian Clothing and Textile Association (ERTL).

Entrepreneurial Mom HUB (2020- 2023)
Entrepreneurial Mom HUB is aimed at establishment of a business center-like initiative for entrepreneurial moms with the main goal of women empowerment through promotion of entrepreneurial education activities as well as maternity & health awareness raising. The project aims to develop an up-to-date methodology and curriculum to be implemented in HUB’s everyday activities. Coordinating institution: NGO Versli mama (Entrepreneurial mom) Lithuania. Partners: Latvia University of Sciences and Technologies, NGO Sfs radgjof (Step by Step Counculting) Iceland and The Institute of Service Economy of TTK University of Applied Sciences.

DigiCare (2020-2021)
DigiElderly network of TTK UAS (Estonia), VIKO (Lithuania) and HAMK (Finland) was formed to create new subject of „Innovative technologies in social work“ in social work curricula in all partner universities. The aim is to modernize the Social Work curriculum (study process, methods).

Network Healing Greenery (2020- )
Overall aim of the network is to educate flexible and open minded specialist who may be involved in development, promotion and use of green care concept.Green care is the use of agricultural farms and the biotic and abiotic elements of nature for health and therapy-promoting interventions as a base for promoting human mental and physical health, as well as quality of life. Coordinating institution: Kaunas University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania). Partners: Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland), Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia), The Institute of Service Economy of TTK University of Applied Sciences (Estonia).

NoNACEE (previously ANTEE) network for Sustainable Water and Energy Management in Environmental Engineering (2008- )

EkoTekNord network for promoting Nordic-Baltic student and teacher mobility in the fields of business, information technology, engineering, logistics and media. (2009- )

Sustainability in Construction (previously Eco Buildings Passive House) project organises intensive weeks for civil engineering students in Lithuania and Estonia, coordinated by Vilnius College of Technologies and Design. (2017- ).

Circular Economy network addresses the challenges of sustainable growth to educate and nurture innovation and human capital for solving future challenges. (2017- )

Empowerment by innovation – a must for inclusion (2019-2021)

Network Water Quality and Food Safety (2020- )


The network organises intensive weeks for students. The 2022 theme: Math application in the context of socio-economic environment. Coordinated by Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies.

NordLand (2013- )
The network organises intensive weeks for geodesy students in Lithuania and Estonia Coordinated by Vilnius College of Technologies and Design. The cooperation started in 2007.

Other Projects

Formula Student – Formula Student is Europe’s most established educational engineering competition which uses motorsport to inspire students. The team representing Estonia consists of students from TTK UAS and TalTech, and has won numerous trophies from all around the world during its more that 10 years of activity.

Urban Observation Practice for architecture students – a week-long study trip to a different European city each year

BSRWood: Accelerating wood construction across the Baltic Sea Region (2022-2023)

The project aims to support wood construction in the Baltic Sea Region via knowledge transfer and collaboration. Coordinated by Nordregio (Sweden). This project is implemented with support from the Swedish Institute

Information about past projects is available here.

Additional information

Marta Mugur
Projects Coordinator
+372 666 4515
Jaana Siik
Project Coordinator
329 5954, 5557 5307
MDR-A205; Tiigivahe tee 2, Mõdriku, Lääne-Virumaa
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