Starting from next academic year, TTK UAS will offer a new curriculum of Purchasing and Procurement Management, unique in Estonia.
The Director of the Institute of Logistics, Oliver Kallas, says that in addition to the field of logistics the new curriculum is also tightly connected to production and resource management.
According to Oliver Kallas, the field of purchasing and procurement management is growing very quickly in Estonia and the demand for educated specialists is increasing. Companies like ABB, Ericsson, Smarten, DHL, Itella and others have already admitted that there is a lack of specialists in the field.
The companies assure that professional purchasing is a skill that betters the economic results and efficiency indicators of the company. If it is mismanaged, the company will lose its competitive edge. The planning of purchases and acquisitions is as important as sales.
The majority of the learning process will take place in the modern logistics lab of TTK UAS where systematic theoretical knowledge and practical skills on purchasing processes, supply chain management and logistics are acquired. The students will get to know the problems of purchasing and procurement management and develop skills to solve them.
TTK UAS believes that the graduates will be employed in both, public and private sector. The specialization is suitable for people interested in the field of logistics. The graduates will be highly competitive as operators or leaders of purchasing and procurement processes either in the sector of transport and logistics or in other fields.